Maris Amanda - Roadmap A1 Beginner Teacher´s Book with Digital Resources & Assessment Package

Maris Amanda Roadmap A1 Beginner Teacher´s Book with Digital Resources & Assessment Package
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 223x304 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 674g
  • spisovatel: Maris Amanda
The Teacher’s Book features a host of support materials to help teachers get the most out of the course: Teacher’s notes for every unit with warmers, fillers, alternative suggestions, advice on dealing with tricky language items, culture notes etc. Teaching tips on useful areas such as dealing with mixed abilities, teaching grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, using video etc. Grammar and vocabulary photocopiable worksheets for every unit Class audio and video scripts, word lists and answer keys. Photocopiable GSE Portfolios for learners to complete and illustrate with examples of assignments completed, test results etc. Assessment package featuring unit and mid/end course tests with audio scripts and answer keys.

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