Ibbotsonová Eva - Eva Ibbotson - 3 Book Collection

Pan Macmillan Eva Ibbotson - 3 Book Collection
  • rok vydání: 2017
  • rozměry: 134x201 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 810g
  • spisovatel: Ibbotsonová Eva
Eva Ibbotson's gentle adventure stories have enchanted so many young readers and this collection, including the all-time classic Journey to the River Sea, provides the perfect introduction to her work. Journey to the River Sea is an award-winning book that follows the orphan Maia as she travels all the way from England to the Amazon with her governess. Set in 1910, it celebrates the exotic worlds this intrepid duo visit while on their epic journey. The Dragonfly Pool takes place during the Second World War and finds 11-year-old Tally finding adventure, romance and a handsome prince while on a boarding-school trip; completing the set is The Star Kazan, an enthralling story about family and identity that takes place in turn-of-the-century Vienna. Measures: 19.7 x 13 x 7cm

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