Murphy Glenn - Glenn Murphy Science Sorted Collection - 5 Books

Pan Macmillan Glenn Murphy Science Sorted Collection - 5 Books
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 111x201 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 678g
  • spisovatel: Murphy Glenn
Extraordinarily designed and with plenty of Horrible Histories-style humour on show, these books also cover the theory of evolution and life on Earth; discoveries from outer space; the history of robots and engineering; and how hunters have caught their prey for generations. Ideal for dipping in and out of and perfect for children who wouldn't normally open a book, these books answer questions ranging from what actually happens in your head during a headache to the reasons why some farts are eggier than others. A collection of fun doodle-filled books about subjects ranging from science and nature to the human body. Created by Glenn Murphy, the author of Why is Snot Green? Full of gloriously gross facts and tidbits. Titles in this collection: Bodies: The Whole Blood-Pumping Story Evolution: The Whole Life on Earth Story Predators: The Whole Tooth and Claw Story Robots and the Whole Technology Story Space: The Whole Whizz-Bang Story

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