Magnus Rosen Band - Outside The Rock Box

Super Jewelcase Outside The Rock Box
Outside the Rockbox is an instrumental mini album. 6 songs where we celebrate to some very famous artists by making a musical braid where fusion, rock, folkmusic and pop meet in a musical firework.

All started in Brazil with Fabio Buitvidas (drums and producer), Raphael Mattos (guitar player) and Magnus Rosén (bass player) after an Brazilian tour.
M.R.B is a Rockband that can do adventure also in instrumental music world!

The album features 2 fantastic guest musicians.
One rock guitarist Jonas Hansson from Silver Mountain and the famous concert piano player George Keczan.

This is a personal imprint with many beautiful musical encounters between musical styles.
An easily digestible and interesting instrumental album that counts.

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Související tituly:

Rosen Magnus -Band- - Outside The Rock Box

Vydavatel: So.Po | Vydáno: 26.5.2023

Cena: 476 Kč

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