Envy Of None - That Was Then, This Is Now

Vinyl LP pressing. Returning after their breakout 2022 self-titled debut, Envy of None reveal their EP, 'That Was Then, This Is Now. The all-star line up of Alex Lifeson, Andy Curran, Maiah Wynne and Alf Annibalini, continue their exponential growth of their trippy, edgy atmospheric sound that took the world by surprise. The new EP is made up of very adventurous tracks that consist of remixes of 'Dumb' and 'Dog's Life'. Alongside 'Lethe River' and 'You'll Be Sorry' only previously released on the deluxe edition of their debut record. Following these, the EP culminates with a newly recorded track 'That Was Then'. The song undulates with progressive dexterity and is a perfect example of the unbound writing ability this incredible band showcase. All tracks were written, arranged, recorded and produced by Envy of None.

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Související tituly:

Envy Of None - That Was Then, This Is Now

Vydavatel: Kscope | Vydáno: 9.6.2023

Cena: 854 Kč

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