Klanten R.; Büro Destruct - Büro Destruct II

Die Gestalten Verlag (DGV) Büro Destruct II
  • ISBN: 9783899550023
  • jazyk: angličtina
  • počet stran: 224
  • vazba: brožovaná
  • spisovatel: Klanten R.; Büro Destruct
Büro Destruct creates ostensibly digital design solutions with a generous touch of craftsmanship, relaxed cleverness and humour. Büro Destruct II features commercial projects and experiments that prove that it’s possible to become both more complex and focused, older and fresher, wiser and more rock ‘n’ roll at the same time. Inspired by literally everything that surrounds them, they have retained their cheeky freedom to (every once and again) dabble in a little cultivated nonsense.

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