Monty Python - Life Of Brian

  • katalogové číslo: SI 998422
  • původ: import (EU)
  • interpret: Monty Python

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Seznam skladeb
1. Introduction
2. Brian song
3. The wise men at the manger
4. Brian song
5. Sermon on the moubt (big nose)
6. Stone salesman
7. Stoning
8. Ex-leper
9. Revolutionaries in the amphitheatre
10. Romans go home
11. What have the romans ever done for us?
12. Ben
13. Brian before pilate
14. Prophets
15. Beard salesman
16. Brian's prophecy
17. The hermit
18. He's not the messiah
19. He's a very naughty boy
20. Pilate sentences brian
21. Nisus wettus with the gaolers
22. Release brian
23. Not so bad once you're up
24. Revs salute brian
25. Cheeky is released
26. Mandy to her son
27. Look on the bright sight of life

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