Satie Erik - Complete Piano Music (9CD)

Satie Erik Complete Piano Music (9CD)
  • katalogové číslo:  95350
  • původ: import (EU)
  • interpret: Satie Erik
This set contains the complete music for piano by Erik Satie, including the works for 4 hands. Saties piano music became immensely popular in the 70s of the last century, when pianists like Reinbert de Leeuw and Aldo Ciccolini took it out of the realm of serious classical music. Especially the Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes became Music for the Millons and adorned many amateurs piano stand. This set proves however that there is much more than the Gymnopédies. Satie created a whole world of revolutionary aesthetics, mixing the serious with the absurd, the sense and the nonsense, the surreal and the banal. He had immense influence on composers after him, including Cage, Stravinsky and the Minimalists like Glass, Nyman and others. Pianist Jeroen van Veen, the Champion of Minimalism, is the ideal interpreter of Satie, his playing, quasinaive, is hypnotic, entering another sound and time dimension. Excellent liner notes by a musicologist and the artist himself.

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