Riptunes - Riptunes

  • katalogové číslo: SMR 396
  • původ: import (EU)
  • interpret: Riptunes
We know Luc Dufourmont from the legendary cult band Ugly Papas and dozens of musical side projects, who are still active with IDIOTS and Two Russian Cowboys. In addition to being a musician, performer and presenter, you could also see him at work in recent years as an actor in several Belgian productions (Bevergem, Callboys, Chantal, Cargo and others). He also wrote a series of columns for Knack Focus and the Krant van West-Vlaanderen. Wouter Spaens is also active in IDIOTS. In the past he already recorded studio albums for Bruce Bherman (with members of Lambchop, Jack White,…) in Nashville and Mooneye (Big Enough). Started in 2022 Studio Piro, a musical project where 'Tables of Multiplication' is set to music, with, among others, Maaike Cafmeyer, Mathias Sercu, Gianni Marzo, Mario Goossens,… In the Closed Session Recording Studio, producer Pieterjan Maertens (Tamino, Het Zesde Metaal) recorded a full album with cellist Frans Grapperhaus (The Wallace Collection, Broeder Dieleman, Wannes Capelle), pianist Gunter Callewaert (Where is Ken ?) and drummer Ruben Vanhoutte (Tamino, Faces on TV), who are also part of the live band. Sarah Devos (Selah Sue, Filip Kowlier) and James de Graef (Loverman, Shht) also played in the album.

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